About Us

“At Robert Ogilvie Elementary we are creating a community of respectful, responsible, lifelong learners.”

Robert Ogilvie School has a population of 309 students as of October 2019. Our school is comprised of 28 percent aboriginal ancestry and student turnover ranges from 20-30 percent per year. We are funded as an inner city school through Community LINK funding from the Ministry of Education, which allows us to provide additional support for students through aide time and canteen support.

We have fifteen divisions of classes from grades K – 6.  In addition, a Strong Start and pre-school program is available to our community for 3-4 year olds. Our school offers many supports to students including: an Aboriginal Student Support worker, Counselling, a lunch meals program funded by Community Links funding, a breakfast program, self-regulation room, education assistants, as well as Learning Assistance, English Language Learning and Reading Support teachers.

Staff and students at RO develop and celebrate belonging to this vibrant school community through regular Royal TEAM spirit activities and assemblies and are caring and generous in our support of causes from the Terry Fox Run to the food bank. Students are encouraged to develop positive leadership skills through the leadership club, working as office helpers, in the canteen, as playground helpers and as classroom monitors. We continuously refer to and acknowledge positive examples of school expectations as expressed through our Positive Behaviour Matrix- RO Royals are Respectful, Organized, Accountable, Responsible. In the 2019-2020 school year we will be re-working our matrix to develop Resilience as the 2nd R.

This year our staff is involved in various professional development events and committees including Positive School Culture, Heart and Mind Education, Curriculum with Technology, and collaborative projects on Joyful Literacy and Executive Function. Our school community is comprised of an active Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) and a school planning council (SPC) which meets to assist in determining school direction. We also have many parent volunteers who help out throughout the school year.  Communication to our parent community is provided through regular newsletters, social media (school website and facebook page) and by email and personal phone calls, team meetings, and PAC meetings.

Our Framework for Student Learning has been developed through discussions and involvement with teaching and non-teaching staff and parents during our September Planning Day, staff meetings, PAC Meetings.

Our 2019-2020 school goals are:

  1. To foster a community where everyone feels welcomed, safe, respected, and accepted.
  2. To promote fluency in the foundations of Literacy, Numeracy and Executive Function.
  3. To implement strategies and lessons to address the 2018 Career and Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies curriculum strands.

We have many early-career staff in our school along with a group that has been here many years.  New to the administration team in the 2019-20 school year is Principal, Karen Gonzales. We are fortunate and excited to have the talent and energy of all our staff in our building!

To contact us, please see our contact page.