• Important messages

    Please see below for the letter that was sent home about the parent meetings for the Worsley Ski Trip and the order form for the PAC Hot Lunch program.
    Also, notices have been sent home recently about choices for activities for Cabin Fever Day (to be held on Feb.

  • Olympic Intramurals!

    Students will have fun over the next two weeks participating in Olympic ‘sports’ during lunch hour intramurals.  This week (Jan 25 – 28) will be for intermediate students and next week (Feb 2 – 4) will be for primary students.  Each student participating will earn a point for their house team.  Students will ‘skate’

  • New students again!

    Our school was the choice place for three new students this week.  A cow moose and her two calves took up residence in the forest on our playground.  They recognize a great school when they see one!  Check out the photos Mr.

  • Farewell to Mrs. Soderquist!

    It was with heavy hearts that we bid Mrs. Soderquist, our secretary for 15 years, farewell this week.  Mrs. Soderquist has moved on to a position as the secretary to the Assistant Superintendent and we know she will do very well in her new position.  We were all sorry to see her go and thank her for her many years of service to our school and to all in our school community!

  • Satisfaction Surveys

    This message is for parents of students in grades 4 and 7.  Please ask your child about the letter they were given for you about the Ministry of Education Satisfaction Survey.  Each letter will have come home with a login number attached to it.  Please complete the survey to give us information about where we could improve and what you feel is going well here at Robert Ogilvie.  If you are having difficulty with the website address,

  • January newsletter and calendar

    Happy New Year!  It is great to be back to school.  Here is the January newsletter and calendar that was sent home today.  If your child would like to order the Meals Program or Food Orders for February,