• Friday, February 28th, 2014

    Good morning to all our students and families.  We hope that you enjoy a day at home today.  Today is a non-instructional day. We will see you again on Monday, March 3rd.
    To our community members who participate in Strong Start and Early Learning opportunities,

  • Science Fair February 27th, 2014:

    Thank you to all students for submitting such great Science Fair projects to our school fair today. Thank you to our judges for making time in their busy schedules to come and support our science fair.

  • Pink Shirt Day Wednesday, February 26th, 2014

    Thanks to Miss Schneider’s class and Mrs. Logeman’s class for presenting at the assembly today with their performance of “Skyscraper”. Thank you to all for demonstrating acts of kindness towards others.

  • Pink Shirt Day 2014

    As I sit and reflect about the importance of Pink Shirt Day, I cannot help but feel proud of all of the students across Canada who have joined together to take a stand against bullying.  All of us,

  • Apples and Oranges, Pink Shirt Day

    Monday, February 24th, 2014:
    Today our students were treated to a fantastic performance called Apples and Oranges.  The underlying theme of this presentation was that although we are all as different as apples and oranges,

  • Canada Spirit Day – Red and White Day!

    The RO students and staff were very excited about Denny Morrison’s recent success.  We are also cheering him and the other athletes in their final performances.  We had tremendous support for our Canadian Olympic team with all the Canada clothing being worn today.

  • Pink Shirt Day Wednesday, February 26th, 2014

    Pink Shirt Day will be held on Wednesday, February 26th.  We will join many schools across the province with activities to support this awareness.  Mrs. Logeman’s class and Miss Schneider’s class will be presenting at our assembly that morning.

  • Parent Workshops

    Tuesday, February 18th, 2014:  Please find information in the flyer about the Families Rock Parent session on Thursday, February 27th.