Robert Ogilvie held a very successful Science Fair on Friday, Feb. 25. Thank you to Mrs. DeGroot for organizing the day and to our judges: Mrs. Boettcher, Mrs. Neuls, Mr. Adkins, Mrs. Philpot, Mrs. Darnall and Mrs. Davies. Students who will be representing Robert Ogilvie at the Regional Science Fair on April 12 at NPSS are (in no particular order): Jayden Forster with her project ‘Sunflowers’, Ethan Peever with his project ‘Egg Drop’, Nekeesha Holden with her project ‘Family Fingerprints’, K-anna Jobson and Randi Norman with their project ‘Amazing Absorbency’, Delainey Pengelly with her project ‘Hound Sounds’, Kohl Halladay and Caleb Ragan with their project ‘Music and Mice’, Stacey Edwards and Jacob Bruce with their project ‘Volcanic Chemical Reactions’ and Cynthia Vance with her project ‘Laundry Crystals’. Honorable mention also went to Rylan Utz with his project ‘Coca Cola’, Hunter Mischler with his project ‘Milk Plastic’, Brianna Bell and Sydney Palmer with their project ‘Yellow Bananas’, Brittney Hen with her project ‘Electricity’ and Gabby McGillvray and Cameron Roberts with their project ‘Popcorn Popping’.