Happy Earth Day RO Royals!

Today marks the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day campaigns, though we know every day is a good day to celebrate, respect and care for our planet. This year, we have a challenge for interested RO students and staff to complete by the end of April:
- Paint a rock (or 2 or more) and write on a positive word or statement, include (RO School) on the back.
- Send a picture of you with your rock(s) or just your rock(s) to kgonzales@prn.bc.ca to include in our ROYALS – at Home photo album (launching this week)
- Place the rock(s) out in the community for someone to find, spreading messages of joy and hope to our community.
Here are some ideas for messages you could include! https://www.ilovepaintedrocks.com/2018/05/kindness-rock-project-painting-ideas-saying.html